Saturday, February 26, 2005

Why Why Why

Someone PLLLLLEASE tell me what is wrong with the girl child!! She is 25 months old and has been sleeping through the night since she was like a month old or so. Now all the sudden, well actually like a week ago, she's been waking up in the middle of the night yelling for me, asking for her door to be opened. This morning at 4:30am we went round and round over this problem until 6:30am. Yes, I slept late too. I don't understand what her problem is about wanting the door opened. Why all the sudden? I've had several talks with her about it. At first she was wanting to sleep on the couch when she started all this. The girl child is having major issues I think. And I don't get it. Well, through out the day I ask her where she's going to sleep at night and she points to her and says, "In bed!" And I tell her, "Yes, that's right. No more couch." and she says, "Ma'am Ma'am" meaning yes ma'am. Awww, isn't that too cute??!?? I'm just confused about this, because she's never been one to be scared of the dark or need a light in her room. She's ALWAYS been a wonderful great sleeper. HELLLLLP ME!!!! THIS IS NUTS!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, why, indeed! I have no idea why children go through stages of fear at night, but I do know that Doug and Sandy did have some spells of nightmares or whatever when they were little, so I guess it is a natural thing for babies to go through. She will outgrow it just like little ones outgrow all other habits that annoy us, so hang in there, this too shall pass.
Love Always, Grandma

Sat Feb 26, 10:02:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i always opted for the confuse the child method. You sleep on the couch... and when she makes her move for the couch late at night... tell her that the couch is taken and maybe she'll go get in her bed. OR... you can always tell her you are sleeping in her bed and to go ahead and sleep on the couch...LOL.

But seriously... like grandma said... she will outgrow this bed switching thing she's doing. It might be because she has been sick. The medicine you've been giving her has been making her sleep more so it might be disturbing her night time rest period. There's all sorts of reasons kids do stuff. As a last resort you can always get rid of the couch....LOL
Your Mama

Mon Feb 28, 10:46:00 AM CST  

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