Saturday, June 11, 2005

It's an oldies night

And here I am tonight downloading all kinds of old country music that I remember listening to when I was a little girl. Although I have thrown in a few new good ones of todays new hits. Chad got me started on it tonight before he left. Him and Ryan went to play football on playstation with a few of the guys. Chad thinks Ryan's going to kick everyones butt. LOL I'll be sure to update you all on that one. :) But before he left we were listening to an Alabama song, "Close Enough To Perfect". And that got me started on an oldies kick. Country oldies that is. Any of you know of anything I should add to my list?

By the way, lets all thank Hilary for reminding me that I need to UPDATE. :)

For some reason I've been busy doing a bunch of nothing the last week. I suppose you can say we've been doing family stuff the last 2 weeks. Chad was without a job so we all kinda like hung out together and watched tv and all that jazz. So anywho, that's what's new.

Peace Out....(rotf)


Blogger hilary said...

w00t! an update! =)

Sun Jun 12, 06:18:00 AM CST  

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