Saturday, February 11, 2006

Family Time

Today we took the kids to the movies. We originally planned on seeing 'Curious George'. Then we changed our minds to 'Nanny McPhee'. But nope, we did it again, changed our minds to see 'Hoodwinked'. It was cute I must say. The kids had a great time. Then we took the kids upstairs at the play area to ride the big carousel. We did that twice. And for lunch the kids wanted pizza from the food court, so they got that as well. Ryan wanted to play some of the games at the arcade room, so Saira and grabbed some cookies to take home and went to Bath and Body Works, so I could grab a 'Wall Flower'. Those things are soooo awesome! I wish PartyLite would make a plug in :) To match the candles we love to burn. Wouldn't that be nice? And I also wish they made car fresheners. That would be cool too.

So we had a great time at the Mall. Then the kids got me all thirsty for Starbucks. Saira started asking Chad if we could go. He kept ignoring her...LOL He finally said NO. I was ticked! LOL The kids had me all ready for it. MEN, UGH!!

So he stops at the gas station on the way home and gets himself and Ryan a Yoohoo and me a Starbucks drink in the glass jars. I was like, geee thanks...LOL But I drank it was actually alright with it :)

On our way home we decided to stop at Chad's mom and dad's so the kids could visit with their MeMaw and PePaw. Stayed there til I got home and fell asleep around 9pm. I was pooped!

It was a GREAT DAY!! Minus the Starbucks situation. I think he's in trouble... ;)


Blogger Mary said...

Aww that sounds like such a fun day!! What was Chad thinking? Starbucks in a jar just isn't the same!

Sun Feb 12, 11:19:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jayme Downs said...

Please tell him that! He just doesn't get it! lol

Sun Feb 12, 11:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger JC said...

Sounds like a great faimly day =) I'm gonna have to go to Starbucks I have never went there and the coffee sounds so good.

Wed Feb 15, 08:55:00 AM CST  

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