Wednesday, March 28, 2007

MO Challenge #4

Tell the story about your first memorable Easter!

Let me think here a minute, I've had 30 of them so far...LOL .............ok, seriously, I'm having a hard time remembering my first memorable Easter. I know them from pictures that I've seen, but I can't recall them from memory. The first memorable that's popping in my head is an Easter from when I was like 10 or so. But it wasn't a good one. My dad was being an asshole that day. It was really a terrible day. :( The only bad Easter I've ever had.

Well there was this time before that, when I was 8 I believe. I got all dressed up for Chruch. My grandma made my dress, it was soooo pretty! She even made a matching dress for my cabbage patch. She always made matching outfits for my cabbage patch. ;) But I remember that year being my brothers birthday. He had 2 easters before he turned 1...LOL

And now this year, Easter is on his birthday. So this year will be special.

Another year, when I was much older. Probably 18 or 19 years old. I dressed up as an Easter Bunny. OMG, take it from me, don't ever do that. WOOOOOF, it was so freak'n hot in that costume. I feel so sorry for Mascots. It's HOOOOOOT! BUT, it was sooooo much fun, and so rewarding to see those sweet little kids admire the Easter Bunny (me). My cousins worked for a party company, where they would dress up as characters....they suckered me into being the bunny. Very special moment indeed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could imagine you would be roasting in that costume! Sounds like a lot of fun though. Reminds me I need to go get the boys pictures taken with the easter bunny.

Wed Mar 28, 07:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger Mary said...

LMAO I can't believe you dressed up like the bunny!!hahahhahaha

Thu Mar 29, 10:50:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jayme Downs said...

hahaha, I know huh? lol

Thu Mar 29, 11:32:00 PM CST  

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