Sunday, March 25, 2007

What a day

This morning Chad and I were woken up by a phone call around 8:30. A really good friend of his from work (a job from 5 years ago or so) called and said his mom passed away. She had a massive heart attack. Everyone in my county probably knew the woman if they saw her face. She was one of the ladies ALWAYS at walmart doing the free samples of stuff. It will be weird not seeing her there anymore. She was 80 years old. Well anyways, he wants Chad to be a paul bearer tomorrow. Chad told him of course he'll be there. So we got up, kids ate and then we headed to Houston so we could go buy Chad a new pair of slacks and a black polo, oh and a white one too. Before we shopped we ate lunch and since it was directly across the street from my aunts house we called her and told her she had to come join us for lunch...LOL Then we came home. By then it was time for Chad and I to do our Fantasy Baseball drafts. He went to the viewing awhile ago and he's already on his way home. That's been our day. While he was gone, I cooked dinner. So when he gets home we can eat.

Let me add, I'll be glad when it's bed time for the kids. They're driving me CRAZY. LOL


Blogger Mary said...

So sad! :( I hate to hear about people passing away.

Tue Mar 27, 11:21:00 PM CST  

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