Friday, December 30, 2005


Ahh to hell with it. I was about to sit down and make a post here on my blog and dontcha know... I spill my freaking cup of milk all on my desk and chair. UGH!! Just lovely!

Happy New Year too lol

Thursday, December 29, 2005

cleaning day

Today I cleaned like there was no tomorrow. Just don't go in my laundry room...lmao!

My real dad, step mom, brother, my grandma and her husband come down today, to see my house finally. That's why it was a cleaning We all had a great visit. I saw them Monday over at my aunts house and we agreed on today would be the day they came over to see me. Saira entertained us for the afternoon.

So now I have a really clean house. :) Finally got all that Christmas present stuff put up. Now I can finally put away my tree and decorations. I left my house decorated so my family could see it all. I honestly don't feel like putting it all away though. I hate putting things

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I was thumbing through the pictures I've taken over the holidays and found this one of Saira. This was Christmas Eve at my aunts house. She was sooooooo excited about opening presents. And that's her pile and there's more around

Busy busy

I've been so busy. Monday we had another Christmas gathering with the other side of my family. It was so much fun watching my cousin open her blanket and her puppy dogs blanket. She was beyond excited about it.

Now my real dad, his wife, my grandma and her husband are coming to my house tomorrow and my house still isn't in order. There is Christmas stuff everywhere. And it's their first time to come to this house. I have so much to do. UGH!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas!

Santa ate all the cookies that were left last night and must've liked the chocolate milk, he drank it all too. Saira wasn't really interested in what Santa brought her. She's not feeling well. She's ended up with what Ryan had a few weeks ago. Ryan went bonkers over the BB Gun that Santa brought. I'll post a picture of them later. But it was a good Christmas morning with the kids. We put the ham onto cook and then I made sweet potatoes with marshmellows to take to Chad's uncles house who lives next door. We had lunch over there and the kids got a few more presents from their aunts and uncles.

It sure has been a busy Christmas. Tomorrow we go to Houston to my aunts house and have Christmas with that part of my real dads family. I have 2 more blankets to whip up before 4pm tomorrow. That will be no problem. :)

Merry Christmas everyone... enjoy what's left, it's almost over.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Santa Claus is town!

YAY! I'm so excited, I can't stand it! (oh and I hope you make it through the list of goodies we've gotten.)

We got up at 7am and prepared a Christmas Eve breakfast and had his mom, dad, brother, sister and niece over. I fixed pancakes, biscuits, eggs, sausge, bacon, coffee, orange juice and milk. Then we opened presents.

My mother in law gave me a bath set that I wanted and my sister in law gave me some bubblebath. They gave Ryan a remote control truck and Saira a Cinderella doll with a change of clothes, the dress lights up and the shoes too. They gave Chad a box of chocolate covered cherries, Aspen cologne and socks.

Chad gave me a new chain for my mothers charm. OMG, it was $150. He also gave me a watch, it's sooo pretty. It's a Relic. I gave him a new shower head for the shower, Polo Blue cologne, a shirt from Big and Tall and I made him a blanket. I made both the kids a blanket and we gave them a few outfits so they could have something to open this morning.

So then after we cleaned up, we went to my great aunts house. My mom and her boyfriend were already there. And lunch was ready. I was upset, I was suppose to help my aunt, but she got it all done. We weren't going to eat until 3pm too, but we ate at 1'ish.

The kids passed out presents with the help of my brother. The kids had such a good time doing that.

My mom got me a filing cabinet. To file all her PartyLite orders...LOL ;) And she got me this really pretty sweater from OldNavy, now we're just waiting for a cold spell around here...LOL Oooo, and she gave me the perfume I wanted. Miracle, So Magic by Lancome...Mmmmm smells gooooood. And she gave me a $20 gift card to StarBucks...she's the bestest! And she got the cutest little thing, a thermometer from Avon, it's called Snowy Days, it's so darn cute!!! It has snowmen on it. Cute cute cute!! She gave Saira a whole bunch of cute clothes from OldNavy. She got Ryan the fishies for his fishtank earlier this month and she gave him some clothes. Chad got an outfit from the Big and Tall store...a $100 outfit.

My brother got me StarWars 3, it was on my wish list...hehe! LOOOOVE StarWars!! He got Saira Mary Poppins on DVD and Ryan Polar Express on DVD and I think he got Chad Cinderella Man on DVD. So we all got a movie from him. Saira watched hers as she went to sleep last night. CUTE!

My moms boyfriend gave everyone a $20 giftcard to Best Buy. We can't wait to go. I believe we're all going to get a movie each.

And my aunt got me a new set of Rubbermaid. I was in dier need of them. Got some folder stuff for my filing cabinet and a label maker, to make little labels for folders and whatever else. I got this nifty thing called a Cocoa-Latte. It makes all kinds of hot beverages. And she got me the Betty Crocker Bake'n Fill bake set. It makes those dome cakes, like you see on TV. So she got Ryan a PlayStation2 for his bedroom and a game. A couple of movies. And she got Saira the Dinsey Princess TV and matching DVD player.

There are more gifts I'm sure, but I can't recall them at the moment, but I think I'm pretty close at getting all of it, by 1 or 2 items. :)

We got home tonight and I hooked up her tv and dvd player, awww, it's so cute and pretty! She went to sleep watching her Mary Poppins movie.

Gotta run, the kids have their gingerbread men, girls and trees on the plate for Santa. They made chocolate milk for him this time. And now it's time for all little boys and girls to go to bed...

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Story of Santa and update on my blankets

So on Wednesday, my dad calls needing a ride to the AMVET's. He's been asked to be Santa for a family in need. The AMVET's put together several big boxes of food for the family and toys for the 3 kids. And my dad played Santa, dressed up and all, it was his first time But it sure was cute!! Well, he wanted us to go so the kids could see 'Santa' too. Now, I don't know if you all recall, but Miss Saira is not all that keen about Santa. He's a stranger and she doesn't like So I never thought she'd talk to him or sit on his lap. Well, don't you know she was all excited this time, talked to him and even ran up and sat in his lap. Perhaps she could feel the vibe that he wasn't such a stranger or something. It was great. Nearly wanted to cry but I couldn't get over the funniness of him being Santa. It still cracks me up. But she didn't want to sit on Santa's lap a few weeks ago when Santa was at school. (not my She didn't scream or anything, she just didn't want on his lap, so I was proud that she got on his lap this time. ;) I got pictures, but it's not a 'professional' kinda scene. It was at the AMVET's, so excuse their

Now, about the blankets. I've gotten all of them done but 2. They don't need to be ready until Monday anyways. I'm a blanket making fool now. LOL Oh, actually it's 2 1/2 blankets. Not even 1/ It's for my cousins puppy dog. To match the one I'm making her.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Computer

Yesterday I got my moms computer. Her boyfriend got her a new one so she gave hers to me. It's so much faster than my old one. I got it all hooked up tonight. It's great. Has double...or even more...of a hard drive than my old one. I've been adding all my links to it tonight. Got my email going, but I canNOT figure out how to get my address book added. UGH! I've never had a problem with it. Cause I've restored/reformated/cleaned up my computers alot and would add my address book with no problems. My computer was Win98 and now I've FINALLY moved up in the world to WinXP. YAY!!! How exciting is that? LOL

I'm pooped and need sleep. Will post again tomorrow... about Ryan and Saira exciting day they had today. A little hint: Santa/My Dad

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Vacation

Oh yeah! It's Christmas Vacation time. The boy child will be home forever it seems. Boy did this last week suck. I didn't get to enjoy that last week of school. Cause he was home 3 days. fun fun! Actually, the kids are being ok since yesterday afternoon. I can tell they are ready to rumble though. Is it Jan. 3rd yet?

Friday, December 16, 2005

I Love PartyLite

Yay! I got the new 2006 stuff today! New scents and a new item. Got new books! It was like Christmas already! Oh no JC...they don't have Ginger Pumpkin anymore, that's the one you had before. PurpleMama, I know you are excited about the new books. I am going to be so busy in January with candle parties, I just can't wait!

I'm so excited... I just can't hide it... I love PartyLite!
(It's what we say at our meetings each month while we do raffle tickets when the numbers are being called

Monday, December 12, 2005

Poor Baby Boy!

My baby has Scarlet Fever. He came home Friday afternoon complaining of a sore throat. 1st time ever too. Well, we did medicines and wasn't helping. So this morning I decided I'd take him to the doctor. Got him there at 2pm and the doctor tells Ryan to open up and say 'Ahhhhhhhh', and he did. And the doctor said instantly that he had strep throat with scarlet fever. Ryan has a rash on him from head to toe. He gave us a prescription for penicillin, he has to take it for 10 days.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas Presents

My best friend introduced me to these really cool no-sew blankets made with fleece. Then we decided, "Hey, lets make everyone a blanket for Christmas, they aren't expensive and it's meaningful!" Here I am December 11 and have 10 blankets to make...LOL I've only made one...LOL It sucks cause this coming week I'll be pretty busy. Ryan has his Christmas play tomorrow night at the school and then again Tuesday morning. Then Wednesday is his Christmas party. Don't know what's happening on Thursday and then Friday is early out. Then he'll be home all the following week. YAY! Dont'cha just LOVE vacation time from school...LOL So if no one hears from me for awhile, come looking for me on my livingroom floor. I may be stuck there and not able to get up...LOL Due to making all these freaking blankets... ;)

Hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season! I sure am, cause it's actually cold here in Southeast Texas. It's usually nice and toasty on Chrismtas day.