Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pink Barbie Gun

Saira has been asking for a Pink Barbie Gun for about a year and a 1/2 probably. But ummm, hello, they don't make such a thing. This all came about cause Ryan always likes to get those toy guns from Wal-Mart. I'd always tell Chad he needs to go buy one and paint it pink and put barbie stickers on it...LOL It's never happened though...LOL

Well, the other day Chad's grandpa called and told Chad that he'd be buying all the boy grandkids small shotguns to keep and remember him by since he's now 70. He figured they could pass them on to their family when they got older. Well last night he calls Chad back to tell him that Ryan's has been ordered because he got him a bigger size gun than the other boys since Ryan's been practicing and is good now. Or something like that, I don't know...LOL So he asked what Saira would like, cause they don't want to leave the girls out. The girl gifts probably wouldn't be as special though. Well, me and Chad just jokingly told them about the pink barbie gun thing. And Grandpa and grandma went nuts, they said they saw one, a pink that is...LOL They said they were on their way to go buy it right then. And they did!! They stopped by late last night and gave her the pink gun. She was so excited!! It was such a special moment. I nearly wanted to cry. Cause Chad's family is such big hunters. So I ran and grabbed my camera. But the damn lense fogged up...LMAO So some of them didn't turn out perfect.......


Blogger ::Ali:: said...

SO fun!!

Sun Aug 27, 12:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Mary said...

How cute... and even funnier that they found a PINK gun!!! Go Saira!

Sun Aug 27, 12:53:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jaws said...

Thats too funny!


Sun Aug 27, 01:46:00 PM CST  
Blogger JC said...

thats just to cute.

Fri Sep 01, 08:33:00 AM CST  
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Tue Feb 09, 11:24:00 PM CST  

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