Friday, January 19, 2007

What a crazy week...

Well, start off the week with MLK day. Ryan was off from school. Chad was busy getting a new job. But he was home by lunch time. Then Tuesday school was called off due to the Artic Blast that was coming through. Chad went to work for the morning, the roads were actually safe enough for him to travel where he needed to go. They were sent home before the roads and weather got to extremly bad. So he was home by lunch. LOL Then Wednesday, we didn't send Ryan to school. The weather was still pretty bad. Chad didn't go to work at all that day. So we were all home the whole day. Finally, Thursday, Chad and Ryan go to work and school. Saira and I go battle through all the rain and drizzle to get the grocery shopping done. BUT, Chad was home by lunch time again. This time he was rained out.

....we'll see what happens today...LOL....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Most Proud!

I am most proud of my husband. This morning he passed the test that he had to take to get this new job that him and his friend found. He studied all weekend for the NCCER Test. He was so nervious about it. But I knew he'd do fine. He called me at 10am and told me he was already done and that he passed it. He's an Instrumentation Fitter in the construction field.

Janette, thank you for the good luck wishes on Saturday. :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mmm Tea!!!

Last night I tried some of the raspberry tea that I bought for Saira's tea party. I boiled some water, poured it over the tea bag, watched it brew and then added a dalup up honey along with a spoon of sugar. Mmmmm, it was sooooo good, hot, and comforting. I think I've turned into an herbal tea drinker...LOL

This afternoon, I made a cup of the peach tea.


Monday, January 08, 2007

You're My Best Friend!


Saira asked me the other day if I was her best friend. I said of course!! Then she said, "You're my best friend and I'm your best friend, forever and ever!!!" Awww, my heart melted right then and there. So sweet!!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Scrappin' Day

Today was a scrapbooking day for me. I gathered up all my things and made 7 pages while watching tv with Chad and the kids. If you want to see any of the layouts, they are on my scrapbooking blog.

But other than my scrappin', it was a lazy day around here. The kids had a great time playing with each other. Chad tried to take them out to play at the football field and the baseball field, BUT it was just to wet. I think the kids were disappointned. They were really looking forward to hitting the baseball around. But maybe next weekend, if it doesn't rain.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Gesh, Winter!!! It's looked soooo nasty today. It's tried real hard to rain. But I think tomorrow is going to be the yucky day. It's suppose to rain and thunderstom ALL day. All day on my shopping day. I was planning on taking Saira to get her pictures done while I was out. So hopefully it won't be to bad.

I am most proud of myself. I've done several loads of laundry. I think I can walk in the laundry room again...nearly...HAHA!!! When Ryan got home from school, him, Saira and I played CandyLand. I think they are going to burn me out on that game, and we've only played 3 games since yesterday when it was opened...LOL Chad has to play tonight...HAHA!! ;)

I suppose I could post some pictures from Christmas. I might do that later tonight.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Moving right along...

day 2 of the year...lmao!!!!!!!

Well, we got up early.... 7:30 this morning. We all managed to eat breakfast too...LOL Tomorrow starts back to the regular at work and Ryan at school.

Around 10 Chad says we should go out for lunch today. So we all got ourselvies ready. We went to our favorite wings place which is like 45 minutes away...LOL It's well worth it though. Mmmm, I had been craving them soooooo bad! On our way home we stopped at Starbucks for me and the kids. Chad was too full. He had 20 wings...LOL We've been back home for a few hours and he's napping now.

Hahaha, just 3 more hours and it's BED TIME for some little children I know... ;)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Well, how was it last night? Did you have fun? We did. The kids stayed up the whole time. Ryan was barely making it. Chad had to take a cat nap...LOL But Saira and I was holding strong. Of course I can, I'm the night owl...LOL But she was awake til 1am...LOL Needless to say, both the kids were still sleeping at 9:30am LOL They are always up and at'em at 7 something.

I have a good lunch planned. Ham, sweet potato caserole, fried cabbage, black eyed peas and cornbread. Then later a pumpkin pie.

Chad and I have been having a GREAT time with the college bowl games. I probably know more about the games than him...lmao!!! Him and about 40 other people here in town did a $5 game picks. You know, pick which team will when the game. It was just $5 to do. I wish I would've picked. I think I would've done better than Chad...haahaa!! I've been keeping all the games tallied for him so he can see how many he's lost and how many all the other people have lost. I don't know if tonights game with Boise and Oklahoma was better or if the Texas Tech game was better. Great games!!!