Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve

Instead of today, yesterday we did my Nieces birthday party. She turned 2 today. So Happy Birthday Shy-Shy!!

Chad and I have decided not to go out this year. We don't want the kids spending the night at his mom and dad's this time. His mom has been going crazy lately. She's like bypolar(sp). We're going to stay up with the kids. We have lots of chips, dips, crackers, sqeeze cheese, cokes, sparkling grape juice, cookies and I don't know what else...LOL

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all stay safe!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Oooo Shopping!!

I did some major scrapbook shopping yesterday...LOL I went to Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Joanns. And I did it with the kids. Ryan was soooo good. And he really doesn't like to go to those stores. Wal-Mart is about as good as it gets for him...LOL He's not my little shopper...LOL Saira had fun. She loves to scrapbook shop with me. Ryan enjoyed fingering all the stamps. I've got alot of stuff to scrapbook now. But I need to get back into the groove. I organized my stuff and now I don't want to mess with it...LOL

Today I had to go the grocery shopping and I ended up going all alone. I had to stop at my inlaws so I could see the pictures of my Sister In Laws's a BOY...awwww, Ryan won't be the only boy anymore. Chad's mom had 3 girl grandbabies and 1 Anyways, Shyanne, my neice was wanting Saira to stay to play. She begs all the time to have Saira over. But I was't wanting them to stay, they needed to go eat lunch and Saira was always being bad. But ol' grandpa had to sucker me into it...LOL. So it was actually nice to go shopping by myself. Was nice to wind down after dealing with Saira's badness.

Back to work

Well, Chad went back to work after the Christmas weekend he had. He was off for 4 days. Happens again for New Years. LOL

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What a GREAT Christmas

We all had a GREAT Christmas. Everyone got EVERYTHING they wanted and asked for, plus way to much more. We had Christmas Eve with my mom, great aunt and brother around 2pm. And then got home just after dark to have Christmas Eve with his dad, brother, sister, her boyfriend and her daughter...oh and our other niece. His mom and other sister didn't come. Long story Sister is a crack head and his mom is wacko. Anywho, then Christmas morning we got up and checked out what Santa brought. That afternoon we went next door to his uncles house to do Christmas with his WHOLE family. Then later that evening we went to my cousins house to do our gift exchange. So here's a list of pretty much everything we all got.....

Making Memories rolling tote (pink)
$40 gift card to Hobby Lobby
Zyron sticker maker
$25 gift card to Michaels
2 floor lamps
new power bar for my computer
box of Russel Stovers
Godiva chocolate
coffee pot
new shoes
pair of pants
bath set
carving set with case
oval corningware dish with silver stand

2 packs of socks
2 pair of pants
2 shirts
polo blue soap on a rope (but it was suppose to be cologne...hehe, my mom goofed)
Band of Brothers dvd collection
Old School dvd
Apocolyps Now dvd (sp)
Axe body spray gift set
$50 gift card to Wal-Mart

Dangerous Hunts PS2 game
3 G.I. Joe's
an army man
2 Planes for Army men
Coon skin hat
Cars DVD
Over the Hedge DVD
Cars PS2 game
Baseball PS2 game
Santa Clause 2 DVD
Toy Rifle
Toy pistols
Cars Lamp
2 toy tanks
army hat
big set of hotwheels cars
blue camo tent with sleeping bag
small cd/radio (it's so cute!!)
a homemade cd with kids music
a bucket of army men
a noisy machine gun (thank you
$5 gift card to Sonic
I can't remember anything else at the moment...LOL

3 cell phones
barbie computer
newborn cabbage patch
2 outfits for her
2 outfits for cabbage patch
3 Caillou dvd's
Barbie Guitar
Aqua Doodle
Fisher Price digital camera
2006 Holiday Barbie
Disney Princess Lamp
small cd/radio (it's so cute!!)
a homemade cd with kids music
V-Smile gym/mat game
Disney Princess play tent
bath set
purse with makeup
crayola colorwonder paints and markers with 4 drawing pads
Strawberry shortcake
Strawberry shortcake fruity beauty salon
$5 gift card to Sonic
I can't remember anything else at the moment...LOL

Together Gifts...
Portable DVD player for the truck
Chutes and Ladders

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! :)

Friday, December 22, 2006

It's almost Christmas

How's everyone coming along with the Christmas shopping, baking and whatever else you do this time of year? Are you ready? I know a few of you have Christmas get togethers tomorrow.

I'm all done shopping. Except I need to buy a ham for the lunch get together with Chad's family. I was going to do that tonight, but I guess I'm not. LOL I'm already for bed.

I've baked my butt off today. I made fudge, magic cookie bars and mini chip snowball cookies. Tomorrow I'm making cranberry pumpkin break and the gingerbread men for Santa's plate. But then again I may wait til Sunday night to do the gingerbread men. LOL I'm going to at least make the cranberry pumpkin brad tomorrow. The kids had fun helping me today. Chad was able to have some samples of everything when he get home this evening. He got home early. They only worked 8 hours today. He was fed a big huge catfish and shrimp lunch today. The lucky duck!!

Chad's over his icky sickies. But now Saira's got it. She's been sneezing and coughing all day. She's on her second nap.

Tomorrow we don't have any Christmas gatherings to do. But we have 2 on Sunday. The 1st one is with my mom, brother and great aunt at her house. Then later that evening will be with Chad's mom, dad, brother, sisters and 2 neices, here at our house. Then Monday we have Chad's uncles house next door to do for lunch. Then later than evening we go back to Houston for my aunt and cousins gift exchange. My real dad won't be there this year. They can't afford the trip down from Oklahoma. So I'll miss seeing him. :( I'm sure we'll see him sometime during the year next year.

My yummy dinner is calling for me. I probably won't post again til after Christmas. I'll have a list of my loot to post for ya. :)


Monday, December 11, 2006


Well, this afternoon my friend Nina came over to see the 6 layouts I did yesterday. She brought her skipbo cards over so we could play, because Saira decided she'd play with mine one day. So she created a new game with mine...Skipbo-uno-phase10. All in one game...LOL Anyways, we played 3 games and then she was telling me about a cheesecake she was going to make. So I loaned her my peppermint extract and gave her a chocolate graham cracker crust I had. So she called me later on after she left and said she went ahead and stopped at the store and bought enough to make me one too. AWWW! And it sure does look good. It's a peppermint chocolatechip cheesecake. I went over to her house before school was out and ate lunch with her. We had frito pie. Mmmm! And I picked up my cheesecake. I had to wait on Ryan at his bus stop. It was pouring down. I didn't want my baby to get rained on. Doesn't look like there is any homework this week, so he's been asleep the last hour and a half. Poor thing must've been tired. Chad came home early today. It was raining to bad at work, so everyone had to go home. So him and his grandpa went out to the deer lease around 1:30. What a brainfart!!! DUH, it's pouring down...LOL So now he's soaking wet and on his way home. LOL

Can't wait to eat my yummy cheesecake. Her loves me!!!! ;) What a friend!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It sure has been different around here with it freezing the last few days. It was 24 degrees this morning. And you won't believe what it is now......60 degrees.

Today I pulled out my santa cookie plate that my mom gave me and the kids a few years ago. It came with a recipe book for Christmas cookies. The book has disappeared. It's no where to be found. I'm really mad!! :(

I've been sick with a cold since Friday night. There's no signs of it going away. Saira had been sick for a week before I got it, so I was thinking I lucked out and didn't get it. Speaking of her, she's been asleep today for the last 3 and 1/2 hours. And still snoozing. Lucky duck! I was napping earlier, but my sister in law called and didn't take the hint. UGH! LOL

So other than freezing to death and having a cold, there hasn't been anything else going on.