Monday, October 23, 2006

Totally Cool Phone Call

This morning an old hostess of mine called to tell me that her sister stopped by for a visit and looked through the PartyLite catalog. Well...LOL...ol' sister made a $300 order. So she wanted to turn that in and see what she could get for free. LOL So I got myself dressed and boogied over to her house. Can't beat a suprise pay check out of the blue. :)

Now that I've been out and about, I think I'll fix a cup of coffee and scrapbook. I have 2 days to finish that dang book! LOL

Sunday, October 22, 2006


WOW! I was kidless all morning and most of the afternoon. Chad took them both with him to the deer lease. Saira took her pink gun with her so she could finally shoot it out there. But Nina called me around 10:30 and we went to walmart. So we got to shop without Saira. HEHE!!

When I got home I raked the yard. All the leaves were driving me NUTS. And just as I finished they got home. The truck was nasty dirty so he drove his grandpa's 4-wheeler to the car wash and I followed so I could wash the truck when he was done washing the 4-wheeler off. So I raked, scrubbed the truck, came home cooked our Sunday pizza's for lunch. (that's an every Sunday lunch) Then I cleaned up my room. My room is like the catch all room. Fun fun...LOL So I'm pooped now. Ended up with a slight blister on my hand from raking. I raked without gloves like a ding dong...LOL

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Really Big Lazy Day!!

Gee, I thought yesterday was lazy. Oh no, it's even better today...LOL I slept til 11am. Got up had lunch...LOL And have been on the computer most of the day so far. I was going to watch a movie with the kids but JavaMama called me and got me back at the computer...LOL Then Husker and her got me watching the Texas vs Nebraska game. HOOK'EM HORNS!!! HAHAHAHAA HUSKER! HEHE!!! ;)

So in a few minutes I'm going to start scrapbooking. I really want to get that book finished. I have proably another 6 pages maybe. We'll see.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lazy Day

It was a big ol' lazy day. I watched several movies and shows I recorded a few weeks ago. Saira and I did lazy really good. ;) I'm thinking about doing that again tomorrow. I still have several more shows I need to watch.

Very shocking, but I took over the tv tonight. I watched Deal or No Deal and then 1 vs 100. So Chad hung out on the computer. LOL That was different. So now we switched. :)

Since it's Saturday tomorrow, I'm fixing to turn on the tv here in the den (It's small) and scrapbook for a little while. I would like to finish my San Antonio book before Wednesday so I can show it off at my Creative Memories Get Together that night. I stopped working on it and have been working on Saira's book. So I think it's time to go back to my vacation book. :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yay for no rain!

The rain stopped some where around 6am this morning. And now cooler weather, which means cold to me...LOL...has arrived. And look, I was talking smack about ol' Mother Nature last night on MO. LOL Woops! My bad! So since we have none wet think I'll slap some makeup on before I go shopping this morning.

Mmmm, love'n me some Justin!

I can't get enough of this song and video I have going on right now. Justin's got it going on. LOL I thought I was hooked on 'Sexy Back', but ohhhh no! 'My Love' is 100 times better! TI is one of my favorite rapers too, so that makes it even better. Only one thing bad about it, it has a long ass intro to the song.

Sorry, but ya'll might have to listen to this one for a while....lmao!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some Layouts

So you want to see a few pages?!? :) :)

I LOOOVE this one. It was Saira's 1st Valentine's day and she was only a couple of weeks old.

Ryan's 1st day at Pre-K

And Saira's Halloween 2 years ago.

Monday, October 16, 2006


So I've changed my look. It needed a little festivness. You like? :)

So anyways!!!

So in the last 2 weeks, I've done alot of scrapbooking and.... scrapbooking and... ummm, more scrapbooking. Yep, Saira's book is full. I need to go buy more sheet protectors for her book so I can make more pages. LOL

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ryan's Birthday Weekend

We had a great weekend!! First off, we had to wake up before the crack of dawn Saturday morning. Ryan had a football game. As soon as it was over we went to down and grabbed some breakfast from McDonald's. Then went to the store to get his birthday cake and ice cream. We came home and got ourselves together and waiting on everyone to arrive. He opened his presents and then we had cake and ice cream. After that, everyone headed home and my mom took Saira with her. Ryan and I followed shortly after. So we spent the night with her. We watched movies, ate pizza and had cherry turnovers. Me and Saira slept with my mom. And Saira thought that was sooooo cool! lol And then I realized why I don't sleep with my daughter...LOL She snores and is a bed hog. GESH! Then we got up early this morning and got ourselves together and came on home. We were home by 10am. I've been scrapbooking most of the day and have been planning a "get together" with a creative memories consultant(a friend of mine).

I'll post pictures from the birthday tomorrow I guess. :)